APPropoz REVvue is a powerful, easy-to-use, flexible 100% native Salesforce application providing a complete view of your company revenue. 

Get a detailed real-time view of revenue, ARR/MRR, forecasting, and recognition. 

Benefits of REVvue

REVvue offers a wide range of benefits to businesses, including: 

Real-time Revenue Management

Gain better visibility and control over your revenue by effectively managing forecasting, recognition, ARR, and MRR. No need to export and create complex spreadsheets. 

Seamless Integration with Salesforce

REVvue seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, leveraging existing data structures and workflows. 

Flexible Revenue Modeling

With multiple rule types and configurations, REVvue allows businesses to model revenue according to their specific needs and requirements. 

Increased Productivity & Efficiency

Streamline revenue management processes, saving time and effort for your team. 

Automated Revenue Recognition

Automate revenue recognition processes, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors. 

Improved Forecasting and Planning

Make more accurate revenue forecasts and plan better for the future, based on comprehensive revenue data. 

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

Generate consolidated reports and customizable dashboards to gain deeper insights into revenue performance and make informed business decisions. 

Data Retention in Salesforce

All data managed through REVvue is retained within your Salesforce instance, ensuring security and easy access to your revenue management information. 

Key Features of REVvue

REVvue provides a range of features to simplify the revenue management process, including: 

Rules-Based Automated Revenue Recognition

Gain better visibility and control over your revenue by effectively managing forecasting, recognition, ARR, and MRR. No need to export and create complex spreadsheets. 

Multiple Rule Types

REVvue supports five rule types—single transaction, amortized, milestone, amortized milestone, and blended—providing flexibility in revenue modeling. 

Revenue Schedule Details

Gain insight into revenue schedules with one-click views by company, opportunity, order, and line item.

ARR/MRR SaaS Metrics

Flexible, configurable based by sale revenue type (recurring, new sale, renewal, downgrade, cross sell, upsell, churn, etc.) 

Rule Overrides

Ability to override rules at the opportunity, order, and product line-item level, providing further configuration options.

Data Access

REVvue stores all data within your Salesforce instance, allowing for easy access as needed. 

Consolidated Reporting

Generate consolidated and customizable reports and dashboards using Salesforce's reporting engine. 

Multi-Currency Support

REVvue supports multiple currencies, catering to businesses operating in global markets. 

Revenue Roll-ups

REVvue supports annual and monthly revenue roll-ups for Accounts, opportunities, and orders. 

Implement REVvue in two weeks or less!